Submit A Question

Let's Solve Real Problems Together
Got a question about a real-world issue that needs solving? Share it with Gusteau. We’re looking for queries that can lead to practical, actionable solutions. Here’s what makes a great question for our AI system:

Target Specific Solutions: Focus on a part of the problem that can actually be tackled. Think about questions that lead to real-world actions and solutions.

Look Forward, Not Backward: We’re interested in what we can do now, not why the problem exists. Frame your question to get straight to solution-building.

Interdisciplinary Friendly: Make sure your question speaks to a wide range of people. It shouldn’t be so technical or niche that only experts in one field can answer. Diverse perspectives often lead to the best solutions.

Why Your Input Matters
Your questions help our AI learn to tackle real challenges. By submitting them, you're directly contributing to a growing pool of ideas that our AI analyzes to find effective solutions. It's a collaborative effort – your insights, combined with our AI, could lead to answers that make a difference.

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